

An investor (company or individual) makes financial investments in business, real estate or other assets in order to obtain financial profit and to achieve other goals.

The law firm provides legal services to support foreign investments, investors and investment projects in various areas of business.

Investment projects and objects: commercial (industrial) real estate, residential real estate, enterprises, agricultural enterprises (farms) and livestock complexes, land for residential and commercial construction, investment projects in the field of energy and ecology, transport, construction, technology, medicine and pharmacology, industrial enterprises, IT and StartUp projects, hotel and restaurant business, recreation and other projects.


Investment consulting for foreign business is one of the priority areas of legal activity. Lawyers and advocates provide investment consulting services for firms and individuals, legal assistance and support in attracting and placing foreign investments, services for developing financial and investment strategies, finding investors, legal support for investment transactions and investment protection.


Investment service:


  • advice to investors on investments and investment projects;
  • legal support of investment transactions for the purchase of a business;
  • services of a lawyer to support investments in commercial and residential real estate;
  • investment placement support;
  • analysis and preparation of documents for investment;
  • search for an investor and investment, attraction of investment capital;
  • opening an investment account for foreign firms in a bank for the purchase of commercial real estate and business;
  • opening an investment account for foreign citizens in a bank for the purchase of residential real estate;
  • development of investment contracts and other legal documents related to investments;
  • business verification, Due Diligence and security of investment transactions;
  • legal support of business and more.


Types of investments: investments in cash – foreign currency and hryvnia, movable property, residential and commercial real estate, securities, intellectual property.