Legal support of businesses

Legal support of businesses

The law firm provides services of subscriber legal support for companies.

Legal services for business (outsourcing) is a comprehensive provision of legal services to a business on an ongoing basis to resolve legal issues that arise in the course of doing business.


Business services – Legal support of businesses:


  • legal advice to a business lawyer, preparation of legal opinions on legal issues of business activities;
  • assessment of the prospects of the court case;
  • search and provision of regulatory documents; development of legal documents for business, preparation of inquiries to state bodies and local governments, claim work;
  • verification and legal analysis of legal documents, constituent documents and contracts, analysis of documents and preparation of recommendations, analysis of legal risks;
  • representation by a lawyer of business interests in court and defense in criminal cases, representation of interests in administrative and regulatory bodies, representation in negotiations;
  • legal support of transactions with commercial real estate for the purchase and sale of commercial real estate and land;
  • legal support by a business lawyer of IT business and StartUp projects;
  • collection of debts from firms under contracts, international commercial arbitration, enforcement of court decisions;
  • disputes with insurance companies in the interests of business and collection of insurance payments and payments;
  • registration of a business (registration of an LLC) and re-registration of firms, services of a business lawyer in corporate law, amendments to constituent documents, bankruptcy of an enterprise and liquidation of a business;
  • business lawyer for commercial disputes, lawyer for commercial, administrative, tax law;
  • conducting legal investigations, searching for property and assets of the debtor, checking counterparties, collecting information about companies, Due Diligence, legal security of business and commercial real estate transactions and transactions with corporate rights, asset recovery, legal verification of documents;
  • Intellectual property and copyright: registration and protection, compensation.


Business lawyer


Within the framework of the service of subscriber legal services for business, legal representation of business in court is not carried out (criminal law, support of real estate transactions, debt collection, insurance law, bankruptcy support and liquidation of firms, disputes over intellectual property, corporate law, administrative law, commercial law, tax law, customs law, collection of information about counterparties, and more). These services are provided on the basis of separate contracts.


Advantages of subscriber legal support for business: reduced costs for specialists, the qualifications of lawyers of a law firm are significantly higher than that of a full-time lawyer, a guarantee of timely receipt of professional legal assistance, a fixed subscription fee, a personal lawyer or advocate is assigned to the company.