Business Registration

Business Registration

The law firm provides for clients with legal services for business registration.

Lawyers lawyers of a law firm will carry out all registration actions for the registration of firms, carry out all registration actions and activities, and re-register the business.


Registration of companies:


  • legal advice on business registration;
  • selection of the optimal form of company registration and types of activities;
  • development of constituent documents of the company for registration;
  • state registration of the company;
  • preparation of documents for opening an account in bank and more.


Before registering a company, you need to decide on the types of activities of the company, the method and procedure for the formation of the capital of the registered company, the procedure and structure of corporate governance of the company and the powers of the founders and directors, the organizational and legal form of the company’s activities, the tax system, as well as the need to obtain permits and licenses.


Forms of business registration:


  • limited liability company – LLC;
  • joint stock company – JSC (public joint stock company, private joint stock company;
  • private entrepreneur – individual entrepreneur;
  • branch of the company;
  • representation of a foreign company.


The most common and optimal organizational and legal form of business registration is the registration of an LLC – a limited liability company. We register companies for founders, as well as companies with the participation of foreign founders – non-residents (foreign citizens, founders and founders of foreign companies).


Our lawyers will help clients register: bank, financial company (credit institution, pawnshop, credit union), insurance company, leasing company, public organization (charitable foundation).


Additionally, we provide legal services for investment support, business re-registration (amendments to the constituent documents of a company, change of activities, director, founders, legal address), legal support of transactions with commercial real estate and corporate rights, drafting contracts, legal services for companies and other services.