Lawyer Investigation

Lawyer Investigation

Lawyers of the law firm provide clients with legal investigation services, carry out legal work to establish legal facts and collect information, conduct legal advice and carry out legal preparation of legal and procedural documents.

Many of our lawyers are former police officers, prosecutors, tax police, and operational law enforcement officers.

When working as legal investigation lawyers, we also involve experts, private detectives, detective agencies and other professionals.


Legal Investigation Services:


  • private investigation of criminal cases and road accidents, in case of negligence and unwillingness of the police to conduct a professional investigation;
  • verification of business and counterparties, Due Diligence;
  • search for people who disappeared or are hiding, finding out information about a person and his way of life;
  • preparation of an information dossier, search for information, identification of contact persons, finding out the place of residence, search for information about a criminal record;
  • checking alibis and searching for witnesses;
  • identification of the facts of adultery;
  • investigation of marriage scams and fraud, search and prosecution of marriage swindlers;
  • search for real estate, property and assets of the debtor (counterparty), search for the debtor and the swindler;
  • legal business security;
  • organizing the security of transactions with real estate and corporate rights;
  • legal verification of documents and more.


Criminal Lawyer


Our lawyers carry out legal work in order to confirm various legal facts and collect evidence within the framework of legislation for citizens and firms. We have many connections in law enforcement and government agencies. Our experts will conduct a professional analysis of all aspects of a particular legal situation, carry out a set of measures and provide professional investigation services.